Hi, I’m Julie…

I’m a wife, mum to 2 entrepreneurial sons, avid dog lover, ex-horse rider, friend and have a passion for health, wealth and fitness.

“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more” Tony Robbins

I believe that we are put on this universe for a reason, sometimes we can go through a large part of our lives before we realise what that reason is!  Several years ago, I attended a health retreat, this was where my journey really started in learning the true meaning of taking control of your health and life!  Nowadays when I hear people say “we are getting older we can expect to have some health issues”, I generally have an opposing point of view, because I don’t believe we have to simply accept this. So, for the past few years I’ve been on a mission to help people realise that we have an amazing body, and if treated right we can be rewarded with good health for longer than we expect. I feel this is extremely important for everyone to understand, because unfortunately it’s not just the aging population that are having health issues these days, our younger generation and babies are sadly having health concerns as well.

Over the past couple years, I have slowly learnt to take control of my health and life!  This has been through reading, listening to informative speakers and becoming part of groups that have shared this information, I’ve learnt to apply this to myself and my family’s life. Being able to share these findings with others and seeing them find their own health success, has brought me to my purpose in life, which has inspired me to create and share this information, so that I can help make a positive impact on people’s lives and support their journey to a longer healthier life for themselves and their family.

The “art of fulfillment” is something that Tony Robbins always says…..so for true happiness in our lives, fulfillment must come from within regardless of what is going on in your life at the time!

I was fortunate enough to be part of a seminar with Tony Robbins two years ago, his seminars not only teach on health and wellbeing but also how we can become better versions of ourselves through having a healthy mindset.  Through my findings, on better ways of better health, I also hope to bring these experiences into people’s lives, so that they can achieve a purposeful, happy and healthy life. I can’t think of anything more satisfying in life than to be able to help people to achieve this and to have the best quality of life now and as we age.

If this resonates with you and you want to learn more about how we can be connected or even work together, connect with me privately on my “Contact Me” page so we can chat on a more personal level and help each other unlock and create an activated living lifestyle.





3 Part Activated Living Series

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